Nie mogę się od tego uwolnić: 1. Lighting Bolt “13 monsters”
Temat główny:
Alt Rap cz.1

2. Public Enemy “Lost at birth”
3. Sole “Tourist trapeze”
4. Mansbestfriend “Class Action Suit Against Earth”
5. So-called artists “I don’t know how to start this”
6. So-called artists “The skin song and dance”
7. El-P “Deep space 9mm”
8. El-P “Tuned mass damper”
9. Sage Francis “Product placement”
10. Sage Francis “Sun vs. moon”
11. Sage Francis “Backpacker”
12. Clouddead “Rifle eyes”
13. Clouddead “Our name”
14. Clouddead “Apt. A, Pt.1”
15. Dosh “Water turn off notice”
16. Odd Nosdam “Upsetter”
17. Dalek “Water turn off notice”


18. Lewisit „Herr man“
19. Shofar “92”
20. Utralyd „Comphonie V”

Muzyka spoza nawiasu: Mercury Program
21. Mercury Program „The sea is in here”
22. Mercury Program „In from the sea”
23. Mercury Program „Every particle of the atmosphere”
24. Mercury Program „Slightly drifting”


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