Temat główny: Nowo¶ci jesienno-zimowe.
1. Emiszyn "Ucho Gertrudy / ¦wiatło"
2. Pogodno "Szrapnel"
3. Matt Elliott "What's wrong"
4. Kapital Band 1 "yes"
5. Ole¶/Trzaska/Ole¶/Capozzo "Bolero Stefana"
6. KZWW "Do ciebie Kasiuniu"
7. Pink Freud "Kocie języczki"
8. Andrew Pekler "False down"
9. Terror "Are we alive?"
10. Sol Invictus "We are the dead men"
11. Medications "I am the harvest"
12. Skalpel "Seaweed"
13. Plum "Destroyer"
14. Lightning Bolt "Riffwraith"
15. Animal Collective "Did you see the words"
16. Ris Paul Ric "Sleeparound"
17. ¦cianka "Czerwone kozaki"
18. To Rococo Rot "Cosimo"
W zakamarkach instytutu: Abilene
19. Abilene "Blanc Fixe"
20. Abilene "Solidarity"
21. Abilene "Detroit Locker"