Temat główny: Rob Mazurek cz.2
1. Chicago Underground Quartet "Welcome"
2. Rob Mazurek "Them sang so sang birds"
3. Isotope 217 "User password: Lebar"
4. Mandarin Movie "The Green Giraffe"
5. Him "Of the periphery"
6. Pop Pop Pop - Tampere
7. Chicago Underground Orchestra "Ostinato"
8. Maurizio Takara "Faixa no.1"
9. Wywiad z Robem Mazurkiem (przeprowadzony wspólnie
z Łukaszem Iwasińskim)
10. Tymański Yass Ensemble "Summer in tricity"
11. Bulbul "Listen Ok."
12. Variete "7 fucking loves"
13. Starzy Singers "Dziamdzia"
W zakamarkach instytutu: Don Caballero
14. Don Caballero "Belted Sweater"
15. Don Caballero ""Delivering the Groceries at 138 Beats per
16. Don Caballero ""A lot of people tell me i have a fake
british accent"
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