Temat główny: Różne oblicza punk rocka: Ten Grand (The Vidablue)
1. Radian “Transistor”
2. 100nka “Zła karma ojca dyrektora”
3. Marek Styczyński “Dolphin’s death”
4. Dalek “Desolate peasants”
5. Ten Grand “The Face I Make While You're Crying”
6. The Vidablue “What Difference Does It Make”
7. The Vidablue “Do Not Question The Great Brain-O”
8. The Vidablue “East Dearborn”
9. Ten Grand “Grave-shove! Let’s go!”
10. Ten Grand “Bike dance (no scrubs)”
11. Ten Grand “The Payload Theme song”
12. Ten Grand “Fuck you guyses teams”
13. Ten Grand “I will seriously pay you to shut up”
14. Ten Grand “This isnt heaven, this sucks”
15. Ten Grand “Live, Che Cafe, San Diego 24/01/2003”