![]() Temat główny: Krótko, lecz tre¶ciwie. 1. Teen Idles “Teen Idles” 2. Minor Threat “Straight Edge” 3. Man or Astroman “Munster’s Theme” 4. Ex Models “U got what I need” 5. The Ex “Adversity” 6. Nomeansno “No Fgncuik” 8. Melt Banana “First contact to planet q” 9. Fantomas “4-17-05” 10.Naked City “Demon Sanctuary” 11. Locust “Priest With The Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Get Out Of My Bed” 12. Thrown Ups “Traffic accident sex” 13. Burmese “Millions of ways to die” 14. Coughs “Give peace a chance” 15. Nervous cop “Rice Precipitation” 16. Black Dice “Untitled 1” 17. Black Flag “Spray Paint” 18. Agostic Front “Traitor” 19. Spazz “A prayer for the complete & Utter Eradication Of All” 20. Charles Bronson “Dream A Little Dream” 22. Pussy Galore “Fuck you, man” 23. All Scars “Ankoku Uta” 24. Fugazi “Me and thumbelina” 25. Ewa Braun “Połykacz węży” 27. Tarentel „Holiday Song” 28. Gorge Trio “Words” 29. Hood “Lost footing” 30. OOIOO “Una” 31. Arizona Amp & Alternators “Re-entry” 32. Pogodno “Pastorius” 33. The Advantage “Bubble Bobble, Shark Skeleton” 35.Budyń “Skit drugi” 36.Calexico “White horses” 37. Komety “Blue moon” 38. Tom Waits “Clang boom steam” 39. De Kift “Waar” 40. The Residents “Harrys introduction” 41. Current 93 “Black sun bloody moon” 42.Angels of Light “Becouse she was” 43.Nurse with wound “It’s all gone weird” 44.Psychic TV “Botanica” 45. Zoviet France “Drifan” 47.Mika Vainio “Olento” 48. M.Bunio S. “Nie tyle co trzeba perzu” 49. O Degrees „Cuts” 50. Deuce “Girls love to giggle” 51. John Tejada “Mild mannered” 52. The Eternals “X-zone” 54. Jan Jelinek “Titles” 55. L’usine “Counting” 56. Lippok & Morgenstern “Ginza” 57.Kammerflimmer Kollektief „Sie Tranken Regen“ 58.Gonzales „Chilly in f minor“ 59. Sufjan Stevens „In This Temple As In The Hearts Of Man For Whom He Saved The
Earth” 61. Niebieski lotnik “Ryba piła” 62. Mikołaj Trzaska „Mamuth” 63. 4syfon „Z różnymi metrami” 64. Anthony Braxton „dedicated to multi-instrumentalist jack gell” 65. Chicago Underground Trio “Passaros” 67. Antimatter dub ensemble “Gunshot” 68. Ludzie “Everyminute klang” 69.Daedalus “Stepping Razors” 70. Prefuse73 “No special bed” Newsy: 77. Wywiad z Maćkiem Cie¶lakiem (¦cianka) Płyta z dolnej półki: "Sound Verite"
The Make Up